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Monday, January 4, 2010

Win in 2010: Resolutions vs. Goals

This is the first in a six part series called Win in 2010 designed to help readers stick to their goals and make the most out of the New Year.

As a major goal-setter and resolution maker, I found the following statistic surprising. Less than half of Americans still participate in the tradition of resolution making. In the past almost 9 out of 10 of us joined in that ritual. That could be because, according to the same survey, only 8% of resolution makers always are successful in achieving their resolutions. 24% of people never succeed in achieving their resolutions. It’s no wonder that tradition is falling out of favor.

But this year, just maybe, this year is the year things will be different. Over the next six weeks, I’ll share with you a few keys to resolution success. And this week, we’ll start with a simple one that could lead to a major paradigm shift.

In my mind, there is a distinct difference between a resolution and a goal. A resolution to me is nothing more than I wish. It’s something you’d like to do or want to do. However, in many cases, it’s not something that you will do or that you are committed to doing. Sure you might like to lose weight or quit smoking or save some money. It would be nice.

It’s no wonder so many resolutions fail! Many of them are made with less of a commitment than we give to what we’re going to have for lunch.

I propose that instead of approaching what you want with a weak resolution, you approach it as a strong goal. Goals imply work, planning and dedication – the very things you will need to make your resolution succeed. Goals are what you will do and what you must do. The word itself carries a heavier connotation than a resolution.

Plus, in my mind, the tradition of resolutions implies failure. When someone tells you they have resolved to lose weight or go back to school or make a budget and stick with it, we don’t take them seriously. We don’t expect to succeed when we set a resolution.

So this year, don’t resolve, sit down and set a goal. After all, the first half of the word goal is GO! Set your goals and map your plan for achieving them. Ready – Set-What are you waiting for?- GO!

Shameless Plug: I will be holding a teleseminar this Thursday at 8:00 p.m. (EST) called Getting to Goal. During this power-packed 90 minute seminar, you will set three goals and map a comprehensive and holistic plan for achieving them. For more information, click here.

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