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Thursday, January 13, 2011

You're Awesome!

We don't spend enough time accentuating the positive, looking at what's gone right or the challenges we've overcome and the successes we've had. We do this for a number of reasons. We don't want to toot our own horns. We don't want to be accused of being arrogant. There are too many other fires to put out and things that aren't going out right to handle.

While we often feel bad about feeling good about our accomplishments; we don't mind feeling bad about our failures, missteps and mistakes. We view beating ourselves up as a motivator, something that will propel us forward.

Yet, feeling good about your accomplishments leads to confidence, self-assurance and a positive outlook. When we feel good about ourselves, we feel capable of handling whatever comes next.

So go ahead and feel good. You have a lot to feel good about. I'll give you some ideas.
  1. Look at how well your kids have turned out.
  2. You have great friends who love you.
  3. You have had some great work successes
  4. You're in a stable relationship.
  5. You've made the best of a bad situation.
  6. Your boss relies on you.
  7. Your co-workers respect you.
  8. You have talent.
  9. You are creative.
  10. You are smart.
  11. People are attracted to you.
  12. You are dependable and others rely on you.
  13. You've weathered a major storm and came out a better person.
  14. Your kids think they have a great parent.
  15. You're good with money.
  16. You give great advice.
  17. You look great!
  18. You're an optimist.
  19. You're faith is strong.
  20. Your life is good.

Focus on what is good. Give yourself credit. You might argue with your children or have to punish them but that doesn't mean you aren't a good parent. You might not be a concert pianist but that doesn't mean you don't have a talent for playing the piano.

The goal isn't to look over your life and find perfection. The goal is to look over your life and give yourself credit for your accomplishments and a job well done.

As the puppy says, "Who's Awesome? You're Awesome!" ... and who can argue with a cute puppy?

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