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Monday, March 31, 2014

Tonight's Show: Stunned by Grief

If you have ever lost a loved one, you know how painful grief can be. If you haven’t experienced loss yet, at some point you will. Loss is a part of life and a part of love. Getting through it is difficult but necessary. Some people get stuck in a state of grief – consumed by anger or drowning in depression. Yet, even those that successfully navigate grief, experience those emotions.

On tonight’s show, we’ll have two authors discussing grief, Judy Brizendine is the author of Stunned by Grief and Mardria Williams is the author of When Sorrow Comes My Way, I Look Up and Forge Forward.

On the second half of the show, Kartika Anderson will discuss how art helped heal her from a life-long struggle with depression. Her book is Turning Blue to Blue: How God Used Art to Lift my Depression.
Although grief and depression sound like depressing topics, tune in to find how these negative occurrences can have a positive outcome. Expect an uplifting hour!

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